Charlie Holding: FinTech, Investments, Entrepreneurship


As the famous saying goes ‘You only get one chance to make a first impression, we make sure it’s the best one.’ At Charlie Holding we’ll make sure this is the case as we provide our consultancy services in the following areas:

Marketing for Financial Services

Specialising in consulting for retail and institutional services, Charlie Holding has revolutionised the way marketing is done for finance and technology businesses. With experience in marketing in Europe, the Middle East and Asia we help businesses excel in their field and stand out from the competition. A highly knowledgeable marketing team, with experience from across the globe, uses the most up-to-date marketing software to maximise acquisition and retention.

Whether you need help finding out what the latest GDPR rules are (a new EU data protection law) or support on making sure your marketing materials are compliant with your regulatory requirements, Charlie Holding can help!

Business Development

There are quite a few different initiatives run by Charlie Holding to ensure that the best partnerships are established, whether it be a push towards expanding your client base or introducing you to key decision makers in a new industry. We encourage and support growth giving your brand the chance to grasp new opportunities.

Company Formations and Expansion

Expert guidance for business startups and expansion in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and America will be provided in close association with the compliance requirements and administrative procedures that are needed in each region. We offer more than just consultancy; you will receive a dedicated contact person who specialises in your requirements providing the support to help your business succeed. Services include:

  • Business Startup
  • Business Plans
  • Company Licensing
  • Regulation
  • Benchmarking Studies

“Life is 10% what you make it, and 90% how you take it. – Irving Berlin”

Charlie Holding makes a range of investment prospects easily accessible and straightforward to manage. Let’s take the next step together.


Consulting covers a variety of skills and can be used to reach a range of outcomes. We will ensure that the right agent is put in touch with you to maximise the return on your investment and achieve your goals.


Any investment is time sensitive so it’s essential to make sure you are working with a consultant who understands all you requirements and provides you with the appropriate solutions right away.


Whether you need guidance on the market, advice on whether now is the right time to invest or or simply someone to run your ideas past, we tailor our services based on what you need to reach your goals.

Let Charlie Holding be part of the journey to success and get in touch today!

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“20 years from now you’ll be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbour, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover” Mark Twain

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